4 Steps to Integrate SDK

4 Steps to Integrate SDK

Step 1: Create Datahub Account


  1. For the next step, please create a test user in Datahub. Follow this link to create a test DeviceToken. Please save this deviceToken, you will need it for SDK integration.

  2. To help you with SDK integration, we published Demo apps for you. You can use them as an example for your project. πŸ‘‰Demo app

Step 2: SDK Installation

You can test sdk integration using trip simulator in xCode and Android studio


Result: after step 1 and 2 you are almost done with sdk integration. you already can drive and your trips will be available in datahub. The next two steps enable you to create devicetokens for all your app users and access statistics and trips.


Step 3: Register SDK users


You need step 4 only if you want to use our API to get trips, scoring, and statistics data to your app directly from our APIs. If you want to grab data and have your app worked only with your own API, please skip STEP 4, and complete this form πŸ‘‰ Platform integration. we will do for you all the necessary settings.

Step 4: Get Statistics, Scorings and Trip Data






Create Datahub Account Registration

Register your company account in Datahub -> Register an app and products, then credentials for SDK Installation will be generated: Instance ID and Instance Key


Guidelines to install SDK. It is a simple process that will not take more than 40 min.


Register SDK users

Register all your app users on your platform and store a unique devicetoken against a user record in your database.


Get telematics data and user statistics via API to keep it on your side and carry out your own further analysis


Before you start, we would like to introduce our SDK and the main components of our product.

Last updated