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An introduction to FNOL, Inspections & Damage Recognition services

The service consists of 4 standalone services:





Auth service & customer's data


API to create a claim profile

Vehicle Inspections

API to link a bunch of photos to a claim

Photo processing &

Damage recognition

API to process bunch of photos and detect damages


There are several main objects in the process:




Device token that is used in Telematics SDK or can be received via User management API.



Car service has to be used to create a vehicle and/or get vehicle details, including Make, Model and other fields.


Claim ID will be provided when a claim is created.


This is a bunch of photos (vehicle photos).


This is a system object that confirms that we've received a screen for processing and damage recognition and it is currently in processing.


This is a bunch of processed photos with recognised damages.

API Usage Scenario

Note: FNOL, Inspections and Damage Recognition services are closely integrated with Vehicle management Service. You have to create a vehicle first to register a claim.

  1. Authorize in Service. You need a user "deviceToken". Get it via registration, refresh or via search.

  2. Create a claim. You need a vehicleToken, Make and model. A new claim with a Draft status will be created. You need to save "claim_id".

  3. Create a screen (a bunch of images). You need a "claim_id". You can create only one screen per each claim. You need to save "screen_id".

  4. In Draft, Processing and Pending statuses you can update the claim.

  5. In Draft, Processing and Pending statuses you can update the screen. Validations: Screen attribute CanEdit == true.

  6. Create quote. You need a "screen_id". Validations: Claim state == 'approved' Screen attribute CanQuotation == 'true'

  7. Wait for Damage Report processing (quote_processing state set up automatically). When Damage Report is created (after 30-60sec), the claim will get state Executed and you can get Damage Report. You need "claim_id" and "screen_id".

Overall workflow and statuses (states)


  1. All new claims are created by customers with a DRAFT status.

  2. When your manager starts to work with a new claim, he can transfer the claim to PROCESSING status.

  3. If there is not enough details from a customer, a PENDING status can be used.

  4. HOLD and REJECTED statuses can be used by your manager if the claim is not allowed for further process.

  5. If the claim is appropriate for further damage recognition process, status APPROVED can be used.

  6. In QUOTE status the photos processing for automatic damage recognition starts.

  7. When the damage recognition process finishes, status EXECUTED is used.

Case study - Zenroad app


Vehicle inspection

Photo processing and damage recognition

Photo processing

To proceed with photo processing it is required to provide at least one photo from a mandatory type of photo. The full list of screens and guide are available here:

Type of photo


  • Front

  • Back

  • Left front wing

  • Left front door

  • Left rear door

  • Left rear wing

  • Right rear wing

  • Right rear door

  • Right front door

  • Right front wing

Mandatory. At least one photo must be provided.

  • Front left diagonal

  • Front right diagonal

  • Back left diagonal

  • Back right diagonal

  • Left

  • Right

  • Windshield

  • Dashboard

Not mandatory.

Last updated