Get the data to the iOS app

Represents access to the public API

@interface RPAPIEntry : NSObject {
- (void)refresh;

Entry point class for RaxelPulse SDK. Start your work with this class instance initialization.

@interface RPEntry : NSObject



Initialises new RPEntry class instance with specified device ID. Must be the first method calling from RaxelPulse SDK.

@param useHardware Indicates whether the SDK should enable hardware monitoring in addition to GPS location updates.
+ (void)initializeWithHardwareMonitoring:(BOOL)useHardware __attribute__ ((deprecated("use [RPEntry initializeWithRequestingPermissions:] method")));

Initialises new RPEntry class instance with specified device ID. Must be the first method calling from RaxelPulse SDK.

@param requestPermissions Indicates whether the SDK should request system permissions.
+ (void)initializeWithRequestingPermissions:(BOOL)requestPermissions;

Returns shared RPEntry class instance. This method can be called only after initializeWithDeviceToken:useHardwareMonitoring: method execution.

@return Shared RPEntry class instance.
+ (instancetype)instance;
- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;+ (instancetype)new NS_UNAVAILABLE;


Remove virtual device token. Use this method instead of setting empty token.

- (void)removeVirtualDeviceToken;


@param response The server response. Final type depends on the query.
@param error The error describing failure.
typedef void(^RPAPIEntryCallback)(id response, NSError *error);
@class RPAPIEntry;@class RPTrack;

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