Photo processing

Photos Processing & Damage Recognition with Damage Reports

Note: You have to Create a Claim and attach a Screen to it in order to create a Quote and get Damage Report.

Create a Quote


Authorization: Required with Token Content Type: application/json Important: You can create a Quote only if Claim's state is Approved and Screen's CanQuotation == true. Creation of a Quote will set up the claim's state to "Quote_Processing" automatically. After the Quote is processed, the claim's state will be changed to "Executed" automatically. It usually takes 30-60 seconds.

Path Parameters


  "Result": {
    "Quote": {
      "Id": 0,
      "ExternalId": "string",
      "ScreenId": 0,
      "CreatedAt": "2020-10-20T19:27:45.316Z",
      "Screen": {
        "Id": 0,
        "ScreenableId": 0,
        "ScreenableType": "string",
        "Front": {
          "Url": "string"
        "Back": {
          "Url": "string"
        "LeftFrontWing": {
          "Url": "string"
        "LeftFrontDoor": {
          "Url": "string"
        "LeftRearDoor": {
          "Url": "string"
        "LeftRearWing": {
          "Url": "string"
        "RightFrontWing": {
          "Url": "string"
        "RightFrontDoor": {
          "Url": "string"
        "RightRearDoor": {
          "Url": "string"
        "RightRearWing": {
          "Url": "string"
        "FrontLeftDiagonal": {
          "Url": "string"
        "FrontRightDiagonal": {
          "Url": "string"
        "BackLeftDiagonal": {
          "Url": "string"
        "BackRightDiagonal": {
          "Url": "string"
        "Windshield": {
          "Url": "string"
        "Dashboard": {
          "Url": "string"
        "Left": {
          "Url": "string"
        "Right": {
          "Url": "string"
        "CanQuotation": true,
        "CanEdit": true,
        "CreatedAt": "2020-10-20T19:27:45.316Z",
        "UpdatedAt": "2020-10-20T19:27:45.316Z"
      "Claim": {
        "Id": 0,
        "Paint": "solid",
        "ClaimDateTime": "2020-10-23T06:06:04.281Z",
        "Description": "string",
        "Lat": "string",
        "Lng": "string",
        "DriverFirstName": "string",
        "DriverLastName": "string",
        "DriverPhone": "string",
        "DriverLicenseNo": "string",
        "InvolvedFirstName": "string",
        "InvolvedLastName": "string",
        "InvolvedLicenseNo": "string",
        "InvolvedVehicleLicenseplateno": "string",
        "VehicleMake": "string",
        "VehicleModel": "string",
        "VehicleLicenseplateno": "string",
        "CarToken": "string",
        "CarTowing": true,
        "CarDrivable": true,
        "CreatedAt": "2020-10-23T06:06:04.281Z",
        "UpdatedAt": "2020-10-23T06:06:04.281Z",
        "DriverName": "string",
        "InvolvedComments": "string",
        "Locations": "string",
        "State": "draft",
        "CanEdit": true
      "DamageReport": "string" // Value NULL

Show Damage Reports


Authorization: Required with Token

Path Parameters


  "Result": {
    "DamageReports": [
        "Id": 0,
        "QuoteId": 0,
        "CreatedOn": "2020-10-20T20:30:14.099Z",
        "EstimateTotal":  {
          "tax": 0, 
          "total": 0, // Total Estimate Cost including entire repair cost/replacement cost of all the detected panels anddamages.
          "discount": 0, 
          "totalAfterTax": 0.0, 
          "taxDescription": "string", 
          "totalAfterDiscount": 0
        "SegmentImages": {
          "rawImages": [
            Image Url \\ List of all raw image urls
          "imageDetails": [
              "_id": "string",
              "raw": "string" // Image Url,
              "error": null,
              "filename": null,
              "annotated": "string" // Image Url
          "annotatedImages": [
            Image Url \\ List of all annotated image urls
        "SegmentationEstimate": {
          "damages": [
              "{{panel code}}": "string", // e.g. ("rightfender":). Other panel can include { frontbumper, rightfender , etc}
              "area": 0.0, // e.g. “9.19” (% area damaged corresponding to the respective panel area) (Or) “null”
              "name": "string" // e.g. Damage name: scratch, d2, clean, etc (OR) "null"
          "estimates": [
            "name": "string", // Panelcode. E.g. { frontbumper, rightfender , etc}
            "costs": [
                "__v": 0,
                "_id": "string",
                "vehicle": {"make": "string", "model": "string"},
                "discount": 0,
                "panelCode": "string", //  can include { frontbumper, rightfender , etc}
                "panelName": "string",
                "damageCode": "scratchS1",// Dent Grades. e.g. Dent1,Dent2, Scratch1 etc,
                "dealerCode": "string",
                "damageValue": 0, // Cost for the particular work. E.g. cost for tinkeringlabour
                "lineItemType": "string",
                "discountedValve": 0
          "totalCost": 0 // Cost for repair/replacement for a particular panel. E.g. cost for frontbumber. It can be repair cost / replacement cost.
        "CreatedAt": "2020-10-20T20:30:14.099Z",
        "UpdatedAt": "2020-10-20T20:30:14.099Z"

Show a Damage Report


Authorization: Required with Token

Path Parameters


  "Result": {
    "DamageReport": {
      "Id": 0,
      "QuoteId": 0,
      "CreatedOn": "2020-10-20T20:30:14.103Z",
      "EstimateTotal": {},
      "SegmentImages": {},
      "SegmentationEstimate": {},
      "CreatedAt": "2020-10-20T20:30:14.103Z",
      "UpdatedAt": "2020-10-20T20:30:14.103Z"

Last updated